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The Jardines del Rey archipelago is currently the most active area in Cuba for tourism development. The archipelago should reach a capacity of about 32,000 rooms distributed in the following islands (from west to east): Cayo Las Brujas, Cayo Ensenachos, Cayo Santa Maria, Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Coco, Cayo Paredon Grande, Cayo Anton Chico, Cayo Cruz, Cayo Sabinal (and many more).

There should be 5 all-inclusive resorts for a total of more than 3,000 rooms on the island of Cayo Paredon Grande (aka Cayo Paredon).

  • Grand Aston Cayo Paredon Beach Resort, 635 rooms (opened November 2022)
  • Playa Hermosa, 584 rooms (opened in early 2023)
  • Vila Galé Cayo Paredón, 638 rooms (opening October 2023)

Hotels that are still under construction:

  • Hotel Roca Norte (temporary name), 656 rooms
  • Hotel Roca Centro, (temporary name), 650 rooms

Please note that these are the current names of the hotels, some may have changed names since their opening.

Click to see all the current and former names of each hotel in the Jardines del Rey, since 1993

Cayo Paredon is connected to Cayo Coco by bridges and causeways. This island will be served by Cayo Coco International airport (Aeropuerto Jardines del Rey), and the transfert time to the hotels will be around 20-30 minutes

In addition to these all-inclusive resorts, a commercial and entertainment center, called Plaza Faro Paredon, has been buit on Cayo Paredon, adjacent to the lighthouse (Faro Diego Velazquez). Tourists can find there many other options besides the ones offered in their all-inclusive resort, and at very affordable prices too! The Plaza includes many services such as: snack restaurant, bar, disco, ice cream parlour, souvenir shops, a splash pad/water games, etc.

Location of all hotels in Cayo Paredon, CubaClick to see the location of all hotels in Cayo Paredon
3 hotels / 1,857 rooms

Location of all services in Cayo Paredon, CubaClick to see the location of all services available in Cayo Paredon

The size of the hotels in the Jardines del Rey Archipelago varies greatly, from 16 up to 1,200 rooms and the star rating ranges from 2½* to 5*. Most of them cater to everyone (couples, families and singles), and a few are adults-only properties. Development started with the construction of the 17 km causeway to connect Cayo Coco with the main island of Cuba, it was inaugurated in 1988. There are several causeways in Cuba, especially in the Jardines del Rey Archipelago. There is one that connects the island of Cayo Cruz to the mainland. All the islands in the Jardines del Rey are connected the Cayo Coco for the proximity of the international airport (CCC).

The first hotel to open on Cayo Guillermo (1992): Villa Cojimar
The first hotel on Cayo Coco (1993): Guitart Cayo Coco
The first hotel on Cayo Cruz (2019): Hotel La Marina Plaza & Spa
The first hotel in Cayo Paredon (2022): Gran Aston Cayo Paredon Grande
* These hotels may have changed name since the opening

Since the beginning of the 90s, several hotels have been built as well as many tourist services: marinas, diving centers, dolphinariums, small commercial and entertainment centers, etc.

Graph of number or rooms per hotel in the Jardines del Reyicon arrow leftClick thumbnail to view a chart showing the number of rooms per hotel in the Jardines del Rey.

Visit Latest News for more information on future projects and a follow-up on hotels openings and new tourist facilities in the Jardines del Rey

Lily & Normand
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